
Bill Grogan's Goat

by Children

There was a man
(There was a man)
Now please take note
(Now please take note)
There was a man
(There was a man)
Who had a goat
(Who had a goat)

He loved that goat
(He loved that goat)
Indeed he did
(Indeed he did)
He loved that goat
(He loved that goat)
Just like a kid
(Just like a kid)

One day that goat
(One day that goat)
Felt frisk and fine
(Felt frisk and fine)
Ate three red shirts
(Ate three red shirts)
Right off the line
(Right off the line)

The man, he grabbed
(The man, he grabbed)
Him by the back
(Him by the back)
And tied him to
(And tied him to)
A railroad track
(A railroad track)

Now, when that train
(Now, when that train)
Hove into sight
(Hove into sight)
That goat grew pale
(That goat grew pale)
And green with fright
(And green with fright)

He heaved a sigh
(He heaved a sigh)
As if in pain
(As if in pain)
Coughed up those shirts
(Coughed up those shirts)
And flagged the train!
(And flagged the train!)

Song Comments (1)
On Bill Grogan's Goat by Children

By Dana


Was it the song you were looking for? Yes 🎉

Amazing! 🤗
My Dad taught my 8 siblings and I a very similar version of this song over 60 years ago!
Dad’s version was also call and response, had slightly different lyrics but told the exact same story about the goat eating 3 red shirts, being tied to a railroad, coughing up the shirt and flagging the train.

As a family, we have taught and sung this song to subsequent generations.
 I wondered about the origin of it and am delighted and surprised to have found this.
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