California College Students CD (CCSCD)

Wherever You Go, I Will Go

by California College Students CD (CCSCD)

Wherever you go, I will go
Wherever you dwell, I will dwell
Your people will be my people
And your God will be my God
Wherever you go, I will go
Wherever you dwell, I will dwell
Your people will be my people
And your God will be my God
Wherever you will die, I will die
And there will I be buried
Jehovah do to me, and more as well
If anything that death parts me from you
Wherever you go, I will go
Wherever you dwell, I will dwell
Your people will be my people
And your God will be my God
Wherever you go, I will go
Wherever you dwell, I will dwell
Your people will be my people
And your God will be my God

Wherever you go, I will go
Wherever you dwell, I will dwell
Your people will be my people
And your God will be my God
[Verse 2]
Wherever you will die, I will die
And there will I be buried
Jehovah do to me, and more as well
If anything that death parts me from you

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On Wherever You Go, I Will Go by California College Students CD (CCSCD)

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